Wednesday, December 7, 2016

                                                               Chapter 12
I do not believe that the education requirement is fair for job seekers in some cases, reason being now days you have to have a degree just to say you qualify. Not only that you could have the experience, I mean years worth of experience and still can't get a job because of not having a degree. Or this could go vise verse, you could go to a four year school get a four year degree, and it could still be hard to land a job in your field of study, all because you don't have experience. In some jobs you can move up without a degree your pay probably wouldn't be as good because you don't have a degree but you have the experience, on the other hand you can not get a job because you took the time to get a degree but the jobs don't want to pay you because you are over qualified.  There are some pros and cons to this to back this up in chapter 12 it states " you attend college for many reasons, but perhaps none is so compelling as the hope and expectation that higher education offers a passport to a better future, a future based on meaningful employment and financial independence- especially in an uncertain economy.(pg 429) "That perfect job: It's out there, you hope-even in these distressed times. And now you're taking the first steps to get it. In part isn't this why you've come to college- to acquire skills that will lead to satisfying, well-paid work?" (pg 431) "You know the economy is uncertain, and you're more than curious: Just what are you the job prospects these days for new college graduates?" (pg431) Another stated fact, to back up my beliefs; "As so many students approach graduation  without a job, moving back home has become a given, as opposed to a last resort. Taylor Mayan, a former USA TODAY intern, graduated early from Northwestern University in March and moved home to Houston to live with her parents while she looks for a job. Until then, she babysits and does other odd jobs to make money. It's stressful. Jo one wants to graduate and not have a job lined up, she says. You want to be able to say, I graduated and here's what I'm doing next". (pg 434) This just shows that you work hard to try and make your future brighter, then you complete college and no job landings. It is very hard and complicated, but I feel if you really want something you will keep at it until it works out. Good things come to those who wait. Everything doesn't come easy. Anything thing worth having worth fighting for. So don't let the Road blocks discourage you!
                                              Individual Film Assignment Chapter 11

Select a movie that you enjoy the opening
- love & basketball
exemplifies the qualities of a strong opening
- It catches my attention, by showing girls can be just as good in basketball as guys.
- You can't judge a book by its cover.
- It was also funny when the guys thought they girl was a guy.
- Also when quincy started to lose he took his angry our on Monica during the game, he was calling her names.

My presentation must include the following:
- A brief introduction of the movie
* State title: Love & basketball
* Name of the director: Gina Prince- Bythewood
*Date it deputed: 2000/ April 16,2000

An explanation of how the movie opening ad heres to two or more of the rules for a strong hook
- It oped with conflict, it demand the characters to be at odds with someone or something right from the get go.
- the movie open with movement, its  more than action it's motion; it allowed Monica to keep moving to push and try harder even after she got pushed.
- The tone was funny and also kind of rude.
- Tidings back to class, discussion of the story structure very naturally begins at the beginning, and at the beginning of any good story is its hook. If you don't catch the readers attention at the beginning the reader will not continue to read on no matter how good of a story it is
- At the beginning, you should present character, setting and conflict. It is not necessary for the question to remain unanswered until the end of the story. If your beginning doesn't fulfill all its requirements, readers won't get far enough to enjoy, and discover your story hidden merits. If you can nail all these points in your opening chapter, your readers will keep the pages turning into the wee hours of the morning. Remember to set the tone of the book.

Love & Basketball

Heres the beginning clip of the movie Love and basketball.
We worked on a individual film assignment in class I choose the Movie Love & Basketball.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

                                  Tomorrow isn't promised. enjoy life today!

Life can be enjoyable. Life is also what you make it. Everyone goes through things. You have to be the one to choose whether you want to be stuck in it, asking for handouts. Or suck it up and keep trying at it. Life can get so tough, and it allows people to give up. As far as becoming homeless, it can also lead to suicide. It’s totally up to you. It's your choice rather you want to depend on someone.
 In life there is a difference in needing someone because you aren't capable, and needing someone because you are lazy and don't want to get off of your butt and work for your wants, and needs. When life gets rough just keep smiling and pushing through. I have to remind myself daily that I got this. Anything worth having worth fighting for. That's the same with life. once you set a high goal reach it, it is well worth it in the long run. For example, when it comes to going to school trying to get a degree, it's really hard and competitive. However, in the long run depending on your major, you can come out with a good paying job, benefits, something you love to do. when doing this, when fighting you have to look at the bigger picture. You can go through life by being positive and overcoming your obstacle, having a positive mindset lets you know that you won’t be down forever. That should make you want to go harder and try harder to succeed in life.  Everyone’s life has its ups and downs, its good memories, and bad memories. The good memories are worthwhile. They are good to have when your down and out. The bad memories are the ones that keep you going. It reminds you that you don’t want to be back in that dark place, that’s what keeps you focused, and what makes you work harder, and it makes you not want to give up. As easy as it is to give up that is not what you want of yourself. It is good to reward yourself every now and then just so that you can see improvement and notice that you haven’t threw in the towel.
          Going into one of the articles from Jane Kenyon. She states about happiness, “happiness saved its most extreme form for you alone”(pg 526 & 527). That article is basically saying that happiness starts within. Anyone can be happy. Even the clerk or, the mama whispering to her child. It ties back into my life is what you make it. You have to create your own happiness. Everyone’s life is full of ups and downs. It’s best to live in the moment. You would enjoy life so much more.

Life isn’t all bad even though when things go wrong we feel as the world has ended. We just have to pick up the pieces, and carry on. Sometimes life isn’t as bad as we think. We just get overwhelmed and off our game, thinking that we can’t do it, thinking that we can’t handle what life throws our way. But looking at the bigger picture if we take life a day at a time we are just fine. We just have to learn how to manage time, and learn when something bad happen everything happens for a reason. Remember in every test there is a lesson. Just learn from your, mistakes, disappointments, regrets, all the negative things that linger in our minds. We can overcome anything that we put your minds too.   Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Every day is a new beginning, to a new start. Don’t dwell on the would have, should have, and could have. You have to believe in yourself. Life could be such a beautiful thing, even with the difficulties that comes with it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Don't Let anyone tell you, you can't when you can. Only thing that's keep you back is you.  Believe in yourself. You become what you believe.
When life throws you lemons, just make lemonade. keep on keeping on. you are not alone.

Enjoy life and the memories it brings!


The season's change. Your life can change in a blink of an eye, I would say cherish these moments.
Your schooling could change. You may have been doing really well in high school and you get to college and see that it's a different ball game. Harder courses, finding out that your instructor don't hold your hand. He/She don't make sure you get all of your work completed. Its a choice and the choice is yours. You could be very healthy one day, and be very sick the next. I think you should be aware of these things. So yes life changes!